This is a very personal choice, but here are some of my experiencesFirstly, remember that it is not about the camera, it is about the lighting. Do not have a window or light behind you or the white-balance on the camera will go nuts and you will look like you are a part of the […]
How can I stop someone from snapping the screen in a Connect Meeting?
You really can’t. This is something that no applications can do without huge changes to the client computer (and why even the Disney Corporation watermarks their content)…if they can’t digitally control asset copying then nobody can. The issue is that no matter what you do, the client can install other screen capture tools (heck, I […]
How do I loop a presentation in Connect Pro?
You can loop a presentation by using Adobe Presenter (in PowerPoint) and then selecting ‘Adobe Presenter’>’Settings’>’Playback’>’Loop Presentation’ (Figure 1)Figure 1
What does ‘Not Required’ denote in a Curriculum?
This message means specifically that “This item is not required because the Curriculum was completed before the item was added” Meaning that the original Curriculum requirements were completed and then this item was added afterwards, which should not remove the completion criteria from the Learner. Connect is behaving appropriately. When the Curriculum was made and […]
How do I use ‘Connect Events’ for the ‘self-registration’ of external users for a ‘Connect Training’ suite of Courses?
It’s really not a lot different from creating a registration page around a Meeting Room. To attach this to a specific piece of Training Material: Create your Curriculum or Course Create your Event (‘registration page’) Instead of choosing a Meeting Room, select ‘Present a Connect Pro Training Course or Curriculum’ Figure 1 After this they […]
How can I tell how my Meeting Room licenses are being used?
You can do this from the ‘Reports’ tab in ‘Connect Central’ Go to the ‘Reports’ Tab Select ‘System Usage’ On the menu select ‘Group Usage’ and the ‘Meeting Hosts’ group Now click ‘Next’ and ‘Create Report’ The screen you see will be as shown in Figure 1 You can then click on ‘Download Report’ to […]
How can I see what I am sharing in a Connect Meeting?
Often you will want to be able to see what the participants are seeing during your session. If you are using PPT slide then this is obvious, but if you are sharing your desktop or an application then it is a little more of a leap of faith in Connect Meetings sometimes, especially if you […]
How to share your desktop and applications in Connect Meetings?
Sometimes you will need to show a participant exactly what you are doing on your computer desktop. You can share either your whole desktop, or a specific desktop (if you have more than one monitor) or individual applications or windows in Connect Meetings First let’s understand the options of just what you can share Desktop […]
How do I share Keynote (Mac) in a Connect Meeting?
This is actually relatively simple, although not probably what you want to hear There is no native way to upload Keynote content (the PPT equivalent on a Mac) into a Connect Meeting The most simple option is to share the Keynote presentation from your desktop, just as you would a PPT from a PC (See […]
How to Share a PowerPoint File in Connect Meetings?
It is good to understand how Connect Meeting Rooms display PowerPoint before sharing it with your audience. Note that I will use the acronym ‘PPT’ here, for the purposes of this note we will assume ‘PPT’ also refers to ‘PPTX’ as there is essentially no difference in Connect Note that there are some known limitations […]