Unfortunately, in Connect 11 there is a known issue where PowerPoint slides can advance on their own. The Connect team is aware and working on this, but in the meantime, there are some workarounds. What is Happening? – The slides are essentially ‘playing’ in the mode of an Adobe Presenter presentation. To be clear, this […]
Category: presenter
How can I stop applications from being displayed when I share my screen?
This could be described as a ‘career responsible decision’. You may want to share your screen as a part of your presentation, but you may not want to share sensitive applications such as your email client (Outlook on a Windows PC for example) or your messaging client (Messages’ on Mac OS for example). Ideally, you […]
What is happening when I see ‘tunneling’ during a screen-share?
Well the first thing to do is show you what this means. See figure 1 below. You might call this an ‘infinity view’, or a more common example might be when you have a bathroom mirror in front of you and you use another mirror to see the back of your head…makes you dizzy! Figure […]
Connect 11 – New Manual Available for GetConnect Clients
I have spent some time rewriting the manual ‘Getting Started with Adobe Connect 11 Rooms’. It has been completely updated to Connect 11 (HTML interface and features). This 64 page manual should cover everything you need to know about your Connect rooms. I have also added detailed sections on editing recordings, breakout room use and […]
Connect 11 Training Materials
This blog post will serve as the ‘one-stop-shopping’ place for training materials for the Adobe Connect v11 release. We will continue to add to these resources as new materials are created. Note – For the time-being, I *suggest* you use the Adobe Connect Desktop App. to view the recordings. You can use the current HTML […]
Connect Hosts, Presenters & the Using HTML Client
The video below is an introduction to Connect hosts and presenters and using the Connect 10 HTML Client. It shows the room experience from both the host/presenter perspective and that of the attendee using the HTML Client. This video also includes best practices for layouts and templates when using the HTML Client over time and […]