The ‘Account Summary’ page in your Connect account gives you a lot of useful information about the setup of your account. The notes below should help you to understand the meaning of these fields Of course you should speak to your GetConnect Account Manager if you feel there are some inconsistencies in the information shown […]
How can I tell the version of my Connect Account and my Connect Meeting Add-in?
Sometimes it is not obvious which version of Connect you are using, particularly if you are using the Adobe Hosted (multi-tenant) Connect service This is often not obvious if the release was a dot-release as this might relate as much to bug-fixes and not to obvious feature enhancements To check your version, go to your […]
What are the best practices for Connect Breakout Rooms?
The breakout room functionality in Connect is incredibly powerful. It allows you to create groups of Participants and let them complete assignments as a team or individually in a separate set of environment within your Connect Meeting Room When you use Connect Breakout Rooms, you are by definition sending your Participants off to separate rooms, […]
Where can I edit Account Notifications in Adobe Connect?
You can change the Notification settings from the ‘Administration’ tab, then ‘Account’>’Notifications’ (See Figure 1 below) Figure 1 In Connect 9 you can also track the number of people attending Meeting Rooms across your account and set a threshold to alert you when the capacity has been reached. You can see an example of this […]
What do we know about Connect 9, release date, system requirements?
Adobe Connect 9 is officially targeted for release ‘Calendar Q3 2012’ There is now a widget on the Adobe sites that will allow you to check the time when your ASP/Hosted Connect account will be upgraded: You can check which cluster you are using for your account by following the instructions on the Blog […]
How do I find the cluster on which my Adobe Connect account resides?
Sometimes you will want to know the cluster (or group of servers) that houses my Adobe Connect account. You might need this in particular when you are trying to determine when your account is to be upgraded the simplest method I know to see this is to enter the domain of your account into a […]
Converting Video for use in an Adobe Connect Meeting Room
I tend to get a lot of questions around how to convert video from other formats into something that Adobe Connect can use. Most users of Connect also want to know if there is a free tool that they can use to convert videos There are a lot of ‘free’ tools out there, but many of them […]
How can I add Live Chat to a Connect Recording?
As Adobe Connect recordings are very interactive and make great ‘on-demand’ content, one of the question I am often asked is how to add some way for viewers of the recording to ask questions or chat with the trainerIn a live session of course, the Chat Pod or the Q&A Pod can be used for […]
Connect and Chat Live with Ian Justin of GetConnect
Use the live Chat Pod above or the links below to connect with Ian Justin on technical and best practices around Adobe Connect and related productNote – I have not configured this to work with iOS devices at this timeNote – Please respect that this is a support service for GetConnect clients only so we […]
What are the capabilities of roles in a Connect Meeting?
Your role determines your capabilities for sharing, broadcasting, and other activities in an Adobe Connect meeting. There are three roles for meeting room attendees: host, presenter, and participant. Icons in the Attendees pod lets you identify the role and if they are connecting from mobile devices. The creator of a meeting is designated as the […]