There are 2 places where the time zone can be edited and set on your account. The ‘Default Time Zone’ for your whole account is the initial Time Zone that everyone in your account sees initially. This is initially determined by your Administrator and it can be changed by the Account Admin from the ‘Administration’ […]
Author: ianjustingetconnect
How can I edit my Connect Recordings?
This post is intended to give you a quick reference to the most common editing techniques in a Connect recording. Note on ‘non-destructive’ editing – when you edit a Connect recording, the original remains intact so this is a ‘non-destructive’ process. Think of the edited recording as a ‘masked’ version of the original recording where […]
Is there a way to monitor meetings on my account?
As an administrator you may want to monitor the meetings and seminars taking place on your account. there are a couple of ways to do this. Using Only your Connect Account Just using your Connect account alone you can go to ‘Administration’>’Account’>’Reports’>’View Meeting Reports’ (Figure 1). Figure 1 You will see a listing of the […]
Can I change my Connect Account URL?
You may need to change the URL/link for your Connect account to reflect a change in your organization. You can do this, but there are some things to be aware of. You should contact your GetConnect representative to have GetConnect ask Adobe to make this change for you as then GetConnect can ensure this change […]
Can I Make a Self-Service Course Certificate?
Prerequisites – A trial or full subscription version of Adobe Captivate. For a trial of Adobe Captivate click here and to add a subscription to your Connect account contact your GetConnect Account Executive. The Big Picture – There are occasions where you will want to have your attendees or learners create their own certificates. This […]
What metrics can I pull from Connect Events registrations?
Connect Events is the registration tool that you can put ‘in front of your webinars and classes. when an attendee registers through the Connect Events tool you can gather a lot more information about their experience. This post covers some of the techniques you might use for webinars and classes. The overall process for building […]
Can I have Connect Events emails sent from an address other than the Event Host?
By default, Connect Events will send emails from the host of the event, typically your email address. This is not ideal in many cases and you will want to have the email come from a generic company email or a ‘do_not_reply’ address. You can achieve this using email aliases in Connect Events. Login to Connect […]
What approach is Adobe Connect taking to the End-of-Life Announcement for Flash Player in late 2020?
Adobe announced the End-of-Life (EOL) for Flash Player at the end of 2020 (some 3 1/2 years from the date of this announcement/post). Below are some of the resources and posts related to Flash Player and Adobe Connect. I will continue to update this post as new information is available. Ian Justin Op-Ed on the […]
Joining a Connect Room using Flash Player on the Chrome Browser
There are two ways to join a Connect Meeting Room, you can use Flash Player (‘FP’) or the Connect Meeting Add-in (‘Add-in’). The only time you would need to use the Add-in is if you want to share your desktop. Unfortunately, the Add-in requires admin rights on your computer and if you do not have […]
Troubleshoot joining a Connect Room using the Chrome Browser
This post is intended to help meeting hosts and account administrators to give appropriate instructions to attendees on how to join the Connect Room successfully using Flash Player (‘FP’). This post is driven by the changes in browsers that disable FP by default. Remember that the note you would send to attendees is far less […]