Sometimes it is not obvious which version of Connect you are using, particularly if you are using the Adobe Hosted (multi-tenant) Connect service
This is often not obvious if the release was a dot-release as this might relate as much to bug-fixes and not to obvious feature enhancements
To check your version, go to your Connect login page, then mouse-over the ‘Help’ text, this will show you the version of your account (See Figure 1)
The versioning text is structured in the format ‘8.2.2’ (in this specific example, we are looking at ‘Version 8, Service Pack 2, Update 2’)
Figure 1
To check the version of the Meeting Add-in you need to enter the Meeting Room and then click on the ‘Help’ option to the top-right of the room, then click ‘About Adobe Connect’. In the next dialogue you can see the version of Connect in use at the moment (the Connect Account version) and the version of the Connect Meeting Add-in (See Figure 2, in this example we are using the ‘Connect 9 Meeting Add-in’)
Figure 2