Can I edit the text on the Connect Hosted Account Login Page?

No, you cannot edit the text on the login page for a Connect Meeting Room or on your Connect Account login page

A workaround it to add guidance to the login image on the left-hand side of the login page that give some direction to the attendees or users

The changes are account-wide so be conscious that the changes need to reflect all of the possible login options (account login, Meeting Room login, training login etc.)

The image needs to be 410×310 and the customization happens from the ‘Administration’ tab, then ‘Customization’>’Customize Login’.  The work needs to be caried out by a person with ‘Admin’ rights on the account

Figure 1 below shows an example of the customized login page

Figure 1

Another option is to append some instructions to the name of your Meeting Room, these will then appear on the Login Screen.  Change ‘Sales Meeting’ as the room title into ‘Sales Meeting (Use the ‘Enter as a Guest’ field below)’ and the title will help guide participants (See Figure 2)
Figure 2