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Is there a simple way to create a multiple-speaker template in Connect Events?

Connect Events is typically set up to use a single speaker in a registration.  A single photo, bio and name.  There are ways to create templates for multiple speakers using HTML but they are not necessarily for the faint-hearted. The method I have described below is simple and uses existing, basic template ‘technology’. Note – […]

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How do I rename a recording?

The option to rename or edit the information in a recording is not necessarily in an obvious place. To edit the information associated with the recording, click on the recording itself and then the ‘Actions’ option (this is different from the ‘Actions’ menu at the higher level recording list).  On this menu you will see […]

Can you explain the impact of the Connect 9.5.3 Add-in?

Adobe has released a new Meeting Add-in for Connect and many Connect users will now see a message from Adobe that can be a little confusing. The original message is at the end of this Blog Post, my personal explanation is below. Why is this being released? This new Add-in fixes some issues wth Connect […]

Do you have any recommendations for microphones for use in a conference room?

I often get asked if there is a suggested microphone or speakerphone for use in a conference room.  This is of course a very subjective question as rooms are all very different with different layouts and capacity. Below are some examples that I use myself that may help you make a decision.  The key is […]

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What is the difference between audio providers in the ‘Administration’ and the ‘My Profile’ tabs?

It can be a little confusing when you try to understand why it is possible in Adobe Connect to set up Audio Providers in the ‘Administration’ tab (‘Administration’>’Audio Providers’>’New Provider’) and also in the ‘My Profile’ section of your login (‘My Profile’>’My Audio Providers’>’New Provider’). ‘Administration’ Tab – In the ‘Administration’ tab you can create […]

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SWM License – How can I give access to the Engagement Dashboard/Events only?

Note – This Blog Post relates to the Shared Webinar Manager (SWM) license only. Adobe removed some of the licensing around the Event Manager licenses that in the past would have allowed an Account Administrator to give access to the Events Module and the Engagement Dashboard easily to a larger group of people. Adobe chose […]