The overall account has to be in one language by default (in this case ‘English’) But each user (login) can set their own language. Interestingly you cannot set that at the time of making the login (new user), but it is very simple as a process: Make a user login Login as the new user […]
How do I track people from a webinar who viewed the recording of the event
If you want to track the people who view the recording then you need to put another ‘Event Registration’ in front of the recording. Move the recording to the ‘Content’ section Change the permissions to ‘Public’ Make a new ‘Event’ and this time you can ‘wrap’ it around the Content (recording) rather than a Meeting […]
Can I make a File Share Room with the ‘Named Organizer’ Model?
No, the ‘Named Organizer’ licensing will not allow you to make a room that can be started by a ‘Presenter’, even with the ‘Auto-Promote to Presenter’ enabled. A workaround is to just record the meeting room and make the recording link available…make it say 30 seconds of recording and that would be ample time, they […]
What is the difference between ‘Self-Enroll’ and ‘Self-Registration?
In terms of my personal definition ‘Self Enroll’ – requires Connect Training and requires the user (Learner) to be already in the Connect system ‘Self Registration’ – requires Connect Events and the user (Learner) will not be in the Connect system so needs to make their own login.
How do I tell what Meeting Rooms are running on my account?
I run a cool AIR (Adobe Interactive Runtime) ‘Connect Session Monitor’ application on my desktop, it’s free and lists all active sessions as they appear and close (Figure 1) You can right-click on any session to enter any selected session Alternately use the ‘Active Meeting’ report (Figure 2) Figure 1 Figure 2
How do I fing the Author/Owner of a Meeting Room?
The basic search engine in the Connect Central interface should work just fine for this. Enter the name of the meeting in the search pane, search on ‘Titles and Descriptions’ and the result should show the author (Figure 1). I expect I could find a way to do this with a printed report, but this […]
Why do I see multiple logins in the report from my Meeting Room?
The most common reason for a login to appear more than once is because the person either did login more than once and didn’t realize it (not uncommon), but more often if you look at the ‘in’ and ‘out’ times for the sessions, you will see that the person left the meeting and came back […]
How do I send an e-mail to all of my Account Users?
You need to get a list of the user e-mail addresses and then use your e-mail system to send the mail. Here is my approach: Go to the ‘Administration’ tab, then ‘Reports’ and ‘Downloadable Reports’ (Figure 1 below) Now go to ‘Users’ and ‘Download Report Data’ (Figure 2) Delete the data columns you don’t need […]
How can I integrate Connect with a Video Conferencing system?
Note that in Connect 8 there is the capability to communicate with existing video systems out of the box: Leverage your existing investments in video conferencing solutions including Tandberg, Polycom, and PictureTel by integrating with video telephony devices supporting SIP/H.264. Meeting hosts can now bring live audio/video broadcast streams into Adobe Connect meeting rooms At […]
Using the Lotus Notes Add-in for Connect Meetings
I do not believe this Add-in has been revised for Connect 8 at this time