Pre-9.2 you would need to print the whiteboard to a PDF to get a copy of the content, in Connect 9.2 there is an option in the ‘Pod Options’ menu ‘Send Snapshot’ (Figure 1). Figure 1 When you select this option you are presented with a window where you can enter the email(s) you wish […]
How many cameras can I use in Connect?
Disclaimer – This is the testing carried out by Ian Justin, this is not carried out by Adobe in a lab. This testing consists of Ian Justin, 6 meeting room instances, 6 cameras and monitoring and capturing the bandwidth display in the meeting room. This is not intended to be a scientific test, it is […]
Connect 9.2 Meeting Add-in on Safari
When you start Connect 9.2 using the Safari browser, you may initially see your meeting room start inside of the browser window. This happens even if you have already installed the Connect Meeting Add-in. Workarounds – Follow the instructions below, use Connect in the browser window (no Meeitng Add-in so no ability to share your […]
Can I integrate ‘’ with Adobe Connect?
The simple answer is ‘no’, but this is not a limitation of Adobe Connect, it is the manner in which FreeConferenceCall operates. This is not a ‘free’ service, well it is not free to the other users on your call…this is also not a Toll-Free service and that is what Connect requires I checked up […]
How to set up Integrated Audio to work with Adobe Connect
I get a lot of questions on how to set up conferencing providers with Adobe Connect…in most cases the integration is the same or at least similar. There are 4 providers who have deep integrations with Adobe Connect: Meeting One Intercall PGi (Premiere Global) Arkadin I am most familiar with Meeting One, but as I […]
How will the Seminar Room changes in Connect 9.1 affect me?
In Adobe Connect 9.1 there are some very significant changes to the way Seminar Rooms are scheduled. There is a lot of documentation on this already from Adobe, but it is pretty deep in places and I thought a note on this Blog might help clarify the changes for GetConnect clients. The detailed explanations of […]
How can I split the name section of the downloaded report into two columns?
This is a little trick in Excel that will help you get the downloaded report from Connect Events into a format that can be more easily ingested by your other systems. The common issue is that in the downloaded Connect Events reports, the first and last name are in one column (even though they are […]
What can I do to if I have issues with the Connect Add-in?
On occasion, the Connect Meeting Add-in can install incorrectly or it might be blocked at some level by your infrastructure. You can of course do everything in Connect other than share your desktop using the basic Flash Player in a browser, but assuming are in a position where you need to share your desktop, I […]
Can I generate a report of the meeting minutes used in my account?
As an Administrator in Connect, you will want to track how many minutes are being used by your Meeting Hosts, sometimes to allow you to bill minutes back to your departments and sometimes just to see who is using the licenses, and who is not using the licenses. Of course if the licenses are not […]
Can I navigate independently around a document in Connect?
One of the options available inside of a Connect Meeting Room that can be very useful is the ability to allow participants to navigate independently through a document. This functionality is available for PowerPoint, PDF or Flash (.swf) files when they are loaded into the Meeting Room Share Pod. To make a document available for […]