There may be occasions when you want to use Connect Events to register participants for one event and then automatically enrol them into a future event, such as ongoing training or a webinar series. You can do this in Connect Events in the following manner. Create a new group (‘Administration’>’Users and Groups’) that will contain […]
Category: events
What options do I have for sending invitations from Connect?
On occasion you will want to send invitations to a group of people to have them attend a live session. for the purposes of this post it does not matter whether this is a meeting room, webinar room, seminar room or virtual classroom. Here are a few options on how you might invite a large […]
Connect Events and a Seminar Room…that’s all I need to succeed right?!
This is a bit of a touchy subject, but what occasionally happens with new users of Connect Events and Connect Meetings or Seminars is that they confuse understand technology with understanding how to manage and run a large event. If this does not apply to you then you can look away now and I have […]
Where can I turn on Social Logins for Connect Events?
In Connect 9.2 there is a capability to allow users to login to Connect Events (registration) using Facebook or Google credentials. This feature can be turned on from ‘Administration’>’Users and Groups’>’Edit Login and Password Policies’>’ and scroll to the bottom of the page. I have noted this here as this is not necessarily the easiest […]
Connect Events and Seminar Rooms – Overall Process
This post is intended to give a high-level understanding of the process for creating a registration for a live event. There are more detailed training resources that can be referenced such as the ‘GetConnect Training Suite’ and the ‘Getting Started with Connect Events’ guide, both of which can be obtained for free from your GetConnect […]
How will the Seminar Room changes in Connect 9.1 affect me?
In Adobe Connect 9.1 there are some very significant changes to the way Seminar Rooms are scheduled. There is a lot of documentation on this already from Adobe, but it is pretty deep in places and I thought a note on this Blog might help clarify the changes for GetConnect clients. The detailed explanations of […]
How can I split the name section of the downloaded report into two columns?
This is a little trick in Excel that will help you get the downloaded report from Connect Events into a format that can be more easily ingested by your other systems. The common issue is that in the downloaded Connect Events reports, the first and last name are in one column (even though they are […]
Can I see screenshots of the invitations and pages in a Connect Event?
*Note – This post refers to Connect Events pre-Connect 9.0. The Connect Events module was significantly enhanced from Connect 9 onwards*The Connect Events module is used to register participants for live Connect Meetings or in fact for Training Courses. You can actually use a Connect Events registration page to manage access to any piece of content […]
What are the overall options for training people in Connect Training?
understanding how Connect Training can be used to approach some of your specific learning challenges can be a little confusing, particularly the terminology, so this post is intended to outline how Connect Training can be used to approach some scenarios in learning and to link you to other more specific articlesWithin Connect Training you can […]
How do I manage ‘tracked’ access to Courses, Curriculum, Content and Meeting Rooms?
Essentially, any ‘tracked’ access needs to be via a login that exists in the Connect Account. So if you want to allow access to a Curriculum or Course then the person needs a login and password to gain access to the connect Training infrastructure at all. In the case of Connect Training, if the person […]