A selection of Connect Help Guides and Installation Documentation are listed below Connect Technical Overviewhttp://getconnect.adobeconnect.com/p3un2fe8yab/Connect 9 Help Documentation http://help.adobe.com/en_US/connect/9.0/using/index.html Connect 9 Installation Guide http://help.adobe.com/en_US/connect/9.0/installconfigure/connect_9_install.pdf Adobe Connect 2.0 Mobile Help http://help.adobe.com/en_US/connectmobile/index.html Connect 8 Web Services and Developer Help http://help.adobe.com/en_US/connect/9.0/webservices/index.html Using Connect Web Serviceshttp://getconnect.adobeconnect.com/p589mo23pr0/Connect Add-in for Lotus Noteshttp://help.adobe.com/en_US/connect/8.0/lotusnotesinstalldeploy/connect_8_lotus_deploy.pdfUsing the Connect Add-in for Lotus Noteshttp://help.adobe.com/en_US/connect/8.0/lotusnotesaddin/index.htmlConnect 9 Configure Telephony […]
Author: ianjustingetconnect
What URL modifications can I make in Connect?
There are modifications that you can make to the Connect URLs that are quite helpful on occasion, some useful options are listed below Auto Login to a Meeting Room as a guest In this case, just replace the account domain (‘abcinc’), the ‘meetingname’ and the guest name with your user login information http://abcinc.adobeconnect.com/meetingname?guestname=fred Auto Login to a Meeting Room […]
Can I see an example of high quality video in Adobe Presenter?
Adobe Presenter allows you to drop-in videos to be played as a part of the presentation. The example below has a couple of videos inserted onto slides. the explanation fo the videos, size etc. are included in the presentation Adobe Presenter Video Examples: http://getconnect.adobeconnect.com/p2ydudfnm8j/
What Accessibility Features are in Connect?
Some information for Connect 8 below Adobe Connect Accessibility White Paper:http://wwwimages.adobe.com/www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/products/adobeconnect/pdfs/web-conferencing/connect-accessibility-whitepaper.pdf Adobe Connect Accessibility: http://www.adobe.com/accessibility/products/adobeconnect.html Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT): http://www.adobe.com/accessibility/compliance/adobe-connect-9-section-508-vpat.html Connect Closed Captioning Pod: http://www.adobe.com/products/adobeconnect/feature-details/closed-captioning.html Connect Accessibility Features (from the ‘Help’ section): http://help.adobe.com/en_US/connect/8.0/using/WS5ae85155c1a0214d1172e081227b89777b-8000.html
Does Connect 8 Integrate with Sakai?
According to the experts at Adobe, Connect does still integrate with Sakai however this has always been handled by the Sakai community alone. Adobe has nothing to do with the integration directly. In any case the APIs have not changed so the version of Connect should not matter:https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/BREEZE/Home
How large are offline Connect Recordings?
If you convert a Connect Recording to an offline format you will of course lose the ‘intelligence’ of the recording. The relative sizes and data use by time for offline options are below.Note that I just used the default settings in the ‘Any DVD Converter Professional’ tool for iPad and iPhone for the mp4 conversions, […]
How do I import users and other fields into Connect?
If you have a larger group of users or learners that you need to get into Connect, you can use the option to import a CSV fileThere is a help item on this in the Connect documentation, but this invariably causes huge issues for Administrators as the documentation is a little misleading and it does […]
Guide to using the voice options in Connect Meetings
Pre-Reading: For more information on the overall voice options in Connect, please see the article here. This will give you an understanding of the phone and VoIP (voice through computer) options in Connect 8 Meetings The quick summary of terminology used in this article is as follows: Fully Integrated Conferencing (FIC) – this refers to […]
Can I see screenshots of the invitations and pages in a Connect Event?
*Note – This post refers to Connect Events pre-Connect 9.0. The Connect Events module was significantly enhanced from Connect 9 onwards*The Connect Events module is used to register participants for live Connect Meetings or in fact for Training Courses. You can actually use a Connect Events registration page to manage access to any piece of content […]
Can I get a report of Learners who have not started a training Course or Curriculum?
From the ‘Reports’ tab this would be achieved from ‘Reports’>’Course’ and then select a Course from the list, then ‘Options’>’Course Report’. You probably want to sort the results by ‘Status’ to see the list of ‘Not Taken’ people (see Figure 1) Figure 1