understanding how Connect Training can be used to approach some of your specific learning challenges can be a little confusing, particularly the terminology, so this post is intended to outline how Connect Training can be used to approach some scenarios in learning and to link you to other more specific articles
Within Connect Training you can create ‘Courses’ and ‘Curriculum. A Course is typically a single learning module such as an Adobe Presenter presentation or an Adobe Captivate example. These Courses might also contain a quiz, but not necessarily as a Course could also be ‘wrapped’ around a PDF of a video. The Course aspect is essentially a ‘tracking wrapper’ and it is used on a piece of content residing in the Connect ‘Content’ section (see here for information on creating a Course)
A ‘Curriculum’ is typically a collection of ‘Courses’. An example might be an ‘Onboarding’ for a new employee that takes the Learner through Courses on Health and Safety, Benefits, using the mail system etc. These modules might be traditional on-demand Courses (such as Adobe Presenter) or live sessions, recordings of Connect Meetings, PDFs to read etc. The key is that the completion of the modules typically results in a pass for the overall Curriculum (see here for information on creating a Curriculum)
In many cases, you will want to specifically enroll Learners into the trainings, this is done when the training is created or after the event on a more ongoing basis. Training Managers can also have ‘dummy’ groups in Connect that are enrolled in trainings and then just ‘drop’ people into these groups, these Learners will then be ‘grandfathered’ into the relevant Courses and Curriculum
Within Connect Training you also have the option to create a ‘Training Catalogue’. This Training Catalogue is used in conjunction with the Courses and Curriculum you create in Connect Training in the usual manner, but it allows Learners to determine their own direction and ‘self-enroll’ themselves into their training, essentially ‘elective’ training (see here for information on creating a Training Catalogue)
You can also limit access to these Course Catalogues to some degree and ensure that only sales people can self-enroll in sales courses and IT people self-enroll in IT courses for example (see here for managing access to a Training Catalogue)
In addition tot he options above, you can use ‘Connect Events’ as a registration ‘front-end’ for your trainings, allowing learners to ‘self-register’ for your trainings and this can be used in conjunction with Connect Training and Course Catalogues to allow both self-registration’ and ‘self-enrollment’…essentially ‘hands-off’ or ‘self-serve’ training management for an organization (see here to understand using Connect Events to allow ‘self-registration’) (see here for an explanation of ‘self-registration’ vs. ‘self-enroll’)