There are modifications that you can make to the Connect URLs that are quite helpful on occasion, some useful options are listed below
Auto Login to a Meeting Room as a guest
In this case, just replace the account domain (‘abcinc’), the ‘meetingname’ and the guest name with your user login information
Auto Login to a Meeting Room with a name and password
This URL is a simple example that will launch the user into a meeting room automatically, you would need your account domain name (‘’), the user login e-mail address and password, your account-id (which you can find by going to your home tab and looking through the URL in the address bar, it will be the set of numbers prefixed by ‘account-id’), finally after ‘next’ you enter the name of your room[email protected]&password=changeme&account-id=12345678&next=roomname
Auto Login to the Connect Central ‘Home’ tab
This URL will log the user into Connect and take them to the Connect Central ‘Home’ tab. You will again need to modify the URL using the information in the example above[email protected]&password=changeme&account-id=12345678&next=admin/home/homepage
Launch a meeting without the Connect Meeting Add-in:
This will simply launch the Meeting Room within the browser window…remember that you cannot share your screen or take remote control of a screen without the Add-in
Launch into a specific time in a Connect recording:
Note – offset is in milliseconds, so multiply minutes by 60,000 to get offset value…ie if you want to start playback at 3 minutes into the recording then make the offset ‘180000’ (3×60,000)