Do you have information on integrating Adobe Connect with an LDAP?

The on-premise deployment of Adobe Connect can be configured to synchronize with an Active Directory (LDAP).  The information I can find on this is below. Of course you should also Contact Adobe Support if you have specific questions and of course to validate these instructions.  Note that I have not worked through this process myself. […]

What do we know about Connect 9, release date, system requirements?

Adobe Connect 9 is officially targeted for release ‘Calendar Q3 2012’ There is now a widget on the Adobe sites that will allow you to check the time when your ASP/Hosted Connect account will be upgraded: You can check which cluster you are using for your account by following the instructions on the Blog […]

How do I allow outside participants to access my On-Premise Connect Server?

Configuring a reverse proxy in front of Adobe Connect Using a reverse proxy Excerpt from the Connect 8 Installation Guide – 66 of the Installation Guide discusses reverse proxy configurations) You can configure a reverse proxy in front of Adobe Connect. Traffic flows through the reverse proxy before it reaches Adobe Connect. Use this […]