
How can I ensure my room is as secure as possible?

There will be session that you want to limit only to a specific group of attendees. Typically this would be a discussion of confidential information or programs. While there is no way you can guarantee that the session is completely secure (we cannot stop an attendee videoing the screen or even re-sharing the room using […]


What is happening when I see ‘tunneling’ during a screen-share?

Well the first thing to do is show you what this means. See figure 1 below. You might call this an ‘infinity view’, or a more common example might be when you have a bathroom mirror in front of you and you use another mirror to see the back of your head…makes you dizzy! Figure […]


Managing Connect Performance in Lower Bandwidth Situations

With the advent of COVID-19 and the vert significant changes it has made to the way we communicate, the loading on local internet connectivity and the wider loading on servers is unprecedented. This post is intended to give Connect presenter ad hosts some guidelines that can make the difference between a successful session and a […]

Top Best Practices for Content and Sharing in Adobe Connect

There are a few relatively simple things that you can do in your Connect room to improve the experience and efficiency of your sessions. A few of the best practices that have the best ‘return on investment’ are below.’ In any of the scenarios below, take the time to click on the green bars to […]

fig 33 test speakers
fig 24
fig 25
fig 26
fig 27 jpegs small
fig 28 jpeg full-screen
fig 29 moderated Q&A
fig 29 moderated Q&A
fig 30 polls layout
fig 31 thank you layout
fig 32
fig 32 setup option
fig 23 lobby poll
fig 34 test mic
fig 35 allow
fig 35 connect mic
fig 38 mute
fig 39 ssm
fig 40 audio choice
fig 41 call me
fig 41 call me
fig 42 dial in
fig 43 all audio
fig 12 start private chat
fig 2 enable client acct wide
fig 3 enabe client by room
fig 4 access
fig 5 login page
fig 5 deny
fig 7 declined
fig 8 blue names
fig 9 overview of interface
fig 10 chat
fig 11 d app chat
fig 1 classic view
fig 13 private conversation
fig 14 full-screen
fig 15 fit
fig 16 full-size
fig 17 rooom full-screen
fig 18 polls
fig 19 q&a
fig 20 wl and fs
fig 21 unsupported
fig 22 lobby

Adobe Connect HTML5 client, Best Practices & Using the Beta Version

IMPORTANT– It is significantly easier and faster to actually use the HTML5 client for Adobe Connect than it is to document all of the features.  The best way to experience the new HTML5 client is to actually *experience* the new HTML5 client for yourself. This post is very detailed and intended to be a reference […]

10 minutes on bandwidth/performance/latency in your Connect room

This is a relatively quick post to let you ensure you are doing everything you can to get the most out of your Connect room.  Specifically this deals with bandwidth, latency, performance when using cameras, voice, PowerPoint, videos (MP4) and screen-sharing. 1 – Hard Wire your ethernet/internet connection wherever possible: I have run many meetings […]

Do you have any recommendations for microphones for use in a conference room?

I often get asked if there is a suggested microphone or speakerphone for use in a conference room.  This is of course a very subjective question as rooms are all very different with different layouts and capacity. Below are some examples that I use myself that may help you make a decision.  The key is […]