Can I see screenshots of the invitations and pages in a Connect Event?

*Note – This post refers to Connect Events pre-Connect 9.0.  The Connect Events module was significantly enhanced from Connect 9 onwards*

The Connect Events module is used to register participants for live Connect Meetings or in fact for Training Courses.  You can actually use a Connect Events registration page to manage access to any piece of content on the Connect Server from a PDF to a recording to a PowerPoint

Examples of the default e-mails and the registration pages are below.  The text in the e-mails can be changed and the aspects of the text that refer to the event name etc. can use ‘run-time’ fields from Connect Events.  A list of the run-time fields in Connect Events is shown below, they should be self-explanatory:


Initial invitation e-mail example (snapshot from Outlook 2010):

As you can see from this shot, I chose to include an Outlook Appointment in the invitation.  This will be maintained and updated as further e-mails are sent to the participants

For the other e-mail examples I have included just the relevant default text *and* the run-time fields (these will be populated when the e-mails are sent), the look-and-feel would be the same as the snapshot.  Not all of these would be relevant or sent for every event of course

‘Send event invitations’

You have been invited to the following event:

Event: {event-name}
Description: {event-description}
Host: {event-creator-name}
When: {event-time}
Time Zone: {time-zone}

To register for this event, please go the following link:

Thank you,

‘Notify users that approval is pending’

Thank you for submitting your registration for {event-name}.  We are currently processing your request and will provide you with an update shortly.

Thank you,

‘Notify users when approved for event’

We are pleased to confirm your registration for {event-name}.  We look forward to your participation.

Event: {event-name}
Description: {event-description}
Host: {event-creator-name}
When: {event-time}
Time Zone: {time-zone}


To access the event, please go to the following link at the time of the event and enter your username and password:

Thank you,
Notify users when denied for event’

Thank you for submitting your request to participate in {event-name}.  We’re sorry to say that unfortunately, we cannot enroll you in this Event.

Thank you,

‘Show reminder when updates need to be sent’

We have an update for the following event. Please note the changes below:

Event: {event-name}
Description: {event-description}
Host: {event-creator-name}
When: {event-time}
Time Zone: {time-zone}


To access the event, please go to the following link at the time of the event and enter your username and password:

Thank you,

‘Remind participants closer to event’

This is a reminder that you are invited to {event-name}, which is due to start at {event-time}. Below are the event details and instructions for participating:

Event: {event-name}
Login: {login}
Description: {event-description}
Host: {event-creator-name}
When: {event-time}
Time Zone: {time-zone}


To access the event, please go to the following link at the time of the event and enter your username and password:

If you have not registered for this event, please go to the following link to register:

Thank you,

‘Send absentee follow-up after event’

We’re sorry that you were unable to participate in {event-name}.

We look forward to you joining us in a future event.


‘Send participants a thank you after event’
Thank you for attending {event-name}. We appreciate your participation and hope you found the event valuable.


Registration Page Example:

Event Information Page Example:

Registration Login Page Example (used if you already have a login form a previous registration and you can avoid completing the whole registration page a second time):

Register Confirmation Page Example:

Event Login Page Example: